Project Description

Project: Brand Creation // Logotype Design // Corporate Pattern & Identity for Law Practise // Δικηγορικό Γραφείο.
Designer: Ground branding agency, Location: Heraklion, Crete
The Concept: A brand for Law Professionals that entrusted us with their new identity. The creation of the logo was inspired by the balance, symbol of justice and incorporates the greek letter Delta that initiates the word lawyer. Powerful and minimal the new identity aims to showcase the trusting relationship between the lawyer and the client.
Project: Brand Creation // Logotype Design // Corporate Pattern & Identity for Law Practise // Δικηγορικό Γραφείο.
Designer: Ground branding agency, Location: Heraklion, Crete
The Concept: A brand for Law Professionals that entrusted us with their new identity. The creation of the logo was inspired by the balance, symbol of justice and incorporates the greek letter Delta that initiates the word lawyer. Powerful and minimal the new identity aims to showcase the trusting relationship between the lawyer and the client.