Μένουμε Σπίτι
Με αίσθημα ευθύνης απέναντι στους πελάτες & το προσωπικό μας αποφασίζουμε να μείνουμε σπίτι. Όλες οι εργασίες της εταιρείας μας συνεχίζονται κανονικά δουλεύοντας remotely. Οι παρουσιάσεις, οι [...]
Smartpart @favouritedesign
🇬🇷 GROUND BRANDING 🇬🇷 Favourite Designer of the day : @groundbranding - Heraklion, Greece ! https://www.favourite-design.com/2020/ground-branding-3/
Agros Olive Oil from Miami
NEW PROJECT! Agros Olive Oil based on Miami will soon have its new packaging designed by Ground Branding. We are very happy to work with [...]
Our own throne by Stamatiou Homes!
Our brand new industrial throne! Many thanks to Stamatiou Homes for the amazing gift.
Congratulations Peskesi!
Our beloved Peskesi always has gifts to bear. Awarded in the top 10 Destination Restaurants in Greece. A brand that keeps on giving. Kudos!